Would you like to be internationally known? If so, write us today! Your program and letters could be seen all over the world!
Yes, from programs to letters, graphics to puzzles, much of the material that appears in Softdisk is written by our readers. You could be known worldwide as a software genius! (That is, if you ARE one.)
We are always looking for new material. Use your computer to create something and send it to us for review. If it's good, we'll publish it and send you money!
Just send us a clearly-labeled disk and ask us to evaluate your creation. If you have questions about our requirements (they are very simple), drop us a line and ask for our free author's guidelines package.
Everyone who submits a program on a disk gets a five-dollar discount coupon in return. (Limit one coupon per month.)
Here's some examples of the kinds of features we want:
AppleWorks GS templates
GS Fonts
Mean 18 courses
Arkanoid Level Sets
Clip Art
GS Applications
GS Games
GS Educational
GS Programs in general
Classic and New Desk Accessories
Print Shop GS images, fonts, borders
We really don't care about programs that display one type of math function. If you write something like that, make it a wide-ranging educational math program, and we'll talk. Waiting four hours for fractal mountains is the most boring thing on Earth.
Also, we do not accept public domain software. Do not send us Print Shop images you have changed two pixels on. That isn't very nice. We want original, unpublished work. If something of yours is excellent but is shareware, we may publish it if you substantially upgrade it--the shareware version must pale in comparison.
All program submissions should be accompanied by a "program submission form." If your printer is online, you can make one right now by pressing OA-P.
You've got nothing to lose (zip, scratch, total void of anything, nada) and everything to gain (money, groupies, money, glamour, money, and maybe even
chocolate). Why not join the fun? Send us something today! Mail your programs or inquiries to:
Softdisk, Inc.
Attention: Apple Submissions
P.O. Box 30008
Shreveport, LA 71130-0008
Complete this form and return it to us along with your submission. Please type or print clearly.
I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , certify that as of . . . . . . .
the submission described above and in the accompanying documentation is my own original work and that it has not been previously published and is not currently under consideration by another publisher.
NOTE: Adventure games require complete maps and complete solutions. Source code must accompany machine language files. Programs must include all files necessary to run them. Include documentation on use of the program.
All submissions (disks and accompanying printed material) MUST be labeled with the author's name, complete address, telephone numbers, submission name, and type of computer.